Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Nomad Xmas Meal 2014

Our second xmas meal as a club, since starting a couple of seasons ago.....

A time to relax have a few beers and some wholesome pub grub!

See you all then - Unfortuneatly folks this is for Nomad Members ONLY, no friends or plus ones.

DATE: Friday 19th December
LOCATION: Jolly Crofters Pub, Horwich.

Cheers Nomads!

Mike Roden Memorial Competition 2014

We had a cold frosty welcome, on the morning of the first hosted British Heart Foundation fly fishing competition, officially titled "Mike Roden Memorial Shield", which will be taking place every year.

However everyone who said they were to attend, did so! - which showed grit determination and a great show of support for Mike Rodens life and what he did for the fly fishing community, and equally as important. The British Heart Foundation.

All proceeds were donated to this charity, and the exact figures are held with our secretary, we estimate to have raised over £300 which is great!! It cost £25.00 for competitors, which included a one fish ticket provided by our venue, Curleys Trout Fishery, Horwich. Curleys trout fishery was the  base for Mike Roden when he taught many folks how to cast a fly line, as well as managing the fishery. He will be truly missed by his fishing buddies, and fellow anglers.

In his Honor, you will now find a stunning timber bench at Curleys Trout Fishery, donated by North West Nomads Fly Fishing Club UK

On to the fishing! - An incredibly difficult day, extremely cold, frosty and snowing at brief periods of the day. Top rod was Jim McGinley, a full list of results will be on our website on the 18/12/14.

All competitors fished extremely hard, fighting bitter cold winds, so again big thanks to all those that attended! 

An especially large thanks for all the donations from many fly fishing related companies, a full Prize list is still available on our website, until the 18/12/14.

 The man of the hour, was our Secretary, whom single underhandedly organised the entire event, Steven Elliot did an incredible job. What a great club and committee we have had throughout 2013/2014.

Overall the Event was a great success!
Money raised for chairty!

See you all next year!!

Nathan Jones
North West Nomads Fly Fishing Club UK
Chairman 2013/14

Monday, 1 December 2014

Mike Roden Memorial Shield Competition 2014

Mike Roden Memorial Shield
Fly fishing Competition 2014

A North West Nomad Hosted event held at Curleys Trout Fishery at Horwich on the Sunday 7th December.

With 22 of 25 places filled so far, its urgent if you wish to attend you must instantly contact our secretary. (contact details available here).

Check this VIDEO out

Of a recent stocking

at Curleys trout fishery!

In preparation for our

Competition this


  A bench will be erected in mike rodens honour, along with this plaque above.

Competition Rules will be explained on the day.
Please follow the fisheries rules.


One fish ticket is needed! - your biggest fish can be taken whenever you see fit!


Day ticket ellerdine, tenkara outfit, day ticket & boat Eswhaite, Greys 300 series reel, fly fishing shirt, Various caps, Mike Barrio fly line, Adventure21 activity day & more....



Monday, 10 November 2014

Ellerdine Trout water

Im going to jump straight into this blog, no beating around the bush!

Stunning venue, fully finned trout present across the entire fishery. All Nomads caught on this trip, with Jim McGinley & Stephen Gildart top rods. A variety of methods worked well, as long as fished within the top few feet of water. From Black lures through to bibio, just teased back across the surface.

Funnily enough! Being that this awesome vastly expanding club is called the North West Nomads, the fly aptly named "nomad" caught alot of fish at this venue, in various colours, from black and green to pink and peach!

 As well as providing well priced, and excellent sport at Ellerdine, they also have first A** facilities in the form of an cafe/lodge, with plenty of outside seating with a cracking view out over the first lake. The photo above shows the extent of gear they have on offer, at the fisheries tackle shop, everything a fluff flinger will need and all at less than a few paces.

Overall the Nomad Clan throughly enjoyed one of our best days out this year, a very relaxing venue, what a way to spend a sunday! - WE WILL BE BACK!
Hopefully this time with a few more nomads in toe.

Get your fly fishing gear out and give it a waggle at this top venue! 

ELLERDINE TROUT LAKES < click for website.

For alot more photos and banter, join our facebook page, Nomads @ Facebook

Thanks for a great day, from all of us at North West Nomads Fly Fishing Club UK.
Nathan Jones - Club chairman 2013/2014

PS. Ellerdine offer free tea and coffee ALL DAY! - as well as some very lovely cake, gratis.

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Dingle Reservoir


Dingle Reservoir, One of the nomads favoured waters here in the North West being only a stones throw from a good 50% of members. Its an ideal unofficial session meet, as it was today.

Jim McGinley was our Host, providing tips and tactics from his local stillwater...
North West Nomad - Club Treasurer Jim McGinley Hosted todays unofficial outing.

Top day had by all, with only a few nomads in attendance it was still a success, so thanks to John Burrow for collecting tickets from the local shop, and to Jim McGinley for hosting the event.

Tactics varied from Daddy long legs, olive snake, pink snake (believe it or not!), small black beatles, olive crunchers..... anything fished within the top few feet did well. No need for sinking lines today! although a few intermediates and sub surface lines were out to cut through the heavy wind.

Being that this was only a casual  affair, some nomads drifted off around 2pm while the majority were left on the water, so who knows the end catch result! im sure all will be shared on our facebook page this evening after a few swift drinks...

Today's best tactics were travelling light and keep on the move, although those that did remain still for the majority of the day did very well, on a water such as Dingle it often pays to travel light... needing no more than flies, rod, reel, line and net.

Nathan Jones
North West Nomad Chairman 2013/14

Bank House Fly Fishery 5/10/14

The Nomads visited the great small stillwater that is Bank House, this hasn't taken place today but on the 5th October 2014. Sorry for the delay.

What an incredible little water it is, very few fisheries now-a-days provide a rest area for anglers, bank house not only have a lodge with seating area and heating. They also provide tea and coffee making facilities.

The fishing itself is one of the best in the area for smallwaters, well stocked, beautifully maintained. Crystal clear water, providing the heavens haven't opened and flooded the hodder. Which can colour up the water, but only slightly.

All Nomads Caught trout on the day, including some cracking coloured brownies....

Nathan Jones
Club Chairman 2013/14

Monday, 8 September 2014

Nomad Individual Competition Results

Well this club has come on in leaps and bounds in only its second season, with thirty members, which has been capped for the time being. Due to re-organising the club so we can continue to be an effective and friendly club into 2015.

 I would just like to take this opportunity to Welcome our newest Nomad, Lisa Isles, our first and sure not to be our only lady fly angler. She is at the top of her game currently, doing extremely well and has come to see what the North West Nomads Fly Fishing Club UK is all about...

While i have your attention our newly appointed competition manager, Mr Clive Parry has done us proud, setting up an excellent event at Carsington water! On Sunday 7th September 2014.
A friendly yet competitive atmosphere met us all on our arrival at this stunning water, as did the sun!
          Those Nomads new to Carsington were pleasantly surprised at the organisation of the boats, and the very helpful and welcoming staff. So keep up the good work bailiffs! your help at the end of the day from setting up the table to helping us at the final bag weigh in. So big thanks to the bailiffs and staff.
          Right, onto the start of our comp, all twelve nomads were sat in their boats by 8:30am, ready for a 9:00am start. 8:50am and the guys are rearing to get going!
          Off we go! boats revving away (best engines Ive used for a long time), the majority of us headed off to number three buoy. With a couple of boats heading towards the far bank.

Jim McGinley Partnered up with the Chairman Nathan Jones on the day.

 As you can see from the photos, the weather was on our side, for a change!

Most Nomads hooked into a fish or two before 10am, then onwards til midday the sport slowed down, only to pick up again after midday....

Long quick pulls, or roly poly method seemed to work well, as our top rod proved Mr Jon Henderson, any array of blobs, boobies generally lures seemed to work well. With no Specific colour or pattern standing out.

As our day came to a close, for a 2pm finish, the trout woke up! with a good percentage of everyone's bag being caught within the last two hours of our competition. See some great scenic shots below...

Paul Johnson and Stephen Gildart just before 2pm

Scenic shot of the wind turbines in the background

Straight to the weigh in...
After an exhausting, yet brilliant day, we were all slightly sun burned and ready for a pint or two!

A few of the Nomads at the prize handout.
All Nomads brought along a small gift/prize to add to our prizes, so thanks members for doing so, things from fly boxes to a bottle of Jack Daniels, a grateful donation in the form of a half day sport courtesy of Meadow Trout Fishery. Big thanks to Masterbaits and fishing tackle from Ellesmere port for their donation of a £25 voucher and weighting scales to add to the prize fund.

Sneak Peak at the comp results....

TOP ROD : Jon Henderson 
Biggest fish : Clive parry
3rd - Nathan Jones
2nd - Oliver Avis

For the majority of photos check out our facebook page NW Nomads @ Facebook

For the full list of results visit our website..
(Please note the list of results will be live on our website, on the 9th September 7pm, sorry for any inconvenience.)

Tightlines Nomads and friends...
Nathan Jones
North West Nomads Fly Fishing UK
Chairman 2013/14

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Carsington Nomad Competition September 2014

North West Nomads Fly Fishing Club UK

We will be entering into a friendly club based fly fishing competition, gratefully held at an excellent water, Carsington Fly Fishery.
This time of year the fishery comes alive! - We should be in for an great session...

Big thanks from all the Nomads goes to Clive Parry, who is our new Competition Manager for 2014.
Alot of hard work and commitment has been put into this, so thanks Clive for all the hard work.

Carsington Water Website 

A small selection of fishing tackle is available from the fishery office, along with light refreshments at the watersports centre and visitors centre restaurant. The restaurant is open at the visitor centre with a full menu 

Competition Details:

To be held on Sunday 7th September 2014 
Be at the fishery for 8:00AM For a 9:00AM start.
Finishing at 2:00PM.
Postcode for SATNAVS - DE6 1ST

Competition rules:

1. Fished to fishery rules. (available on the carsington website).
2. All Nomads must be back at the boat jetty with lines out of the water for 2:00pm.
3. Any Nomads found to be in infringement of the rule above will be disqualified from the competition, the committee decision is final.
4. No bait or liquid attractants to be used of any kind.
5. No cutting up members drifts, please be polite and form an queue.
6 .If you have a spare boat seat please bring it with you for those members that dont have one.
7. A half day 6 fish ticket must be purchased.
8. All fishing must be done from a boat, all pre booked.

Boat Partner arrangement:

Clive parry & Caine parry
Nathan Jones & Jim McGinley
Mike Frith & Stuart Daniels
Jon Henderson & John Burrow
Barry Bradley ( a guest of the nomads ) & Tim Young
Paul Johnson & Stephen Gildart


Every Member or attendee of the competition is required to bring along with them a small prize to throw into the prize comp "pot".

We also have glass engraved Tankards, for 1st, 2nd & third place. As well as biggest fish.

Donated prizes below:

A days sporting ticket at Meadow Fishery Chester.
£25 voucher & fishing scales, from masterbaits and fishing tackle in ellesmere port.

Big thanks to Masterbaits and fishing tackle, for your kind donations.

Nathan Jones
North West Nomads Fly Fishing Club UK
Chairman 2013/14

Any problems dont hesitate to contact my self or one of the committee.
My direct email address is as follows...

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Nomad Weekender 2014

The Nomad clan headed up to Keswick and Braithwaite, during the last weekend of July for a couple of days fluff flinging....

Our first stop on saturday on our way upto our B&B was an Absolute Gem of a venue, just above derwent water.  Ive been asked to keep the fishery name to myself as of the fisheries request.
The water was stunning, when we arrived the sun was shining, with a gentle breeze covering the surface. We booked x3 boats, which were basic, but never the less suited to the calming effect of this fishery.
A few photos of our first venue over the weekend....

Jim McGinley into another at the fishery that shall not be named! (as requested)

After an absolute top days fishing we headed back to the B&B for a shower and a cuppa!
The B&B we used on Saturday night was superb, 5*star quality place, clean modern rooms, all en suite, and the breakfast was spot on!


After a lovely, tasty meal at the Royal Oak in braithwaite. Well worth abit of grub here if you get the chance, the prices wernt cheap, but the food was superb!! I can personally recommend the Pork belly!

Anywho after a few hundreds beers later we headed back to Hermiston for a sleepy!

After a rather boozy night we decided to stay local, so we fished Cocklakes fly fishery which is a matter of a few minutes down the road. Which turned out to be a shocker! - we came to the assumtion that only 4 fish were present in the entire lake. (bad weather and climate, plus we were spoilt the day before at a far superior venue.)

Tightlines Nomads,
Lets get another one of these weekends arranged nearer xmas, a christmas meal / weekend away perhaps?
Nathan Jones
North West Nomads Club Chairman

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Nomads Alpha team fishing Scierra Comps 2014

The Nomads original Alpha team will be fishing in the Scierra Pairs held up at Stocks Reservoir this upcoming Saturday 26th.

Arriving for 8AM...

A plan of action will be drawn up and sent out to the Nomads entering, current working tactics on our practice runs, with one more practice run left, i will keep hush hush.

Although all competitions are designed with a friendly atmosphere, at the end of the day everyone doesnt enter to come last! So details of working patterns are being kept in the inner circles.

But the Team we have this year, we are sure to make our mark!!

See you out on the water.
Nathan Jones
North West Nomads UK Chairman.

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Lovely weather, great fishing...

After a early start for a few members up at Dingle Reservoir this morning, the warm sunny weather stuck with us for most of the day. Not ideal for fishing but what a lovely day to be on the bank...

This was our second visit to Dingle, kindly invited by Derek Walsh the Chairman of Dingle Reservoir Anglers. Only £20 for the full day, take three fish and return a limit of 10 fish including the three to be taken home. A sensible rule, to stock anglers catching 20+ fish, which isn't needed on a day of relaxing fishing.

Stunning fishery, check out the view we had today...

Blue sky, crystal clear water and beautiful surroundings, not a bad day to spend a Sunday!

Now for a few beers! in the sun....

After showing you a snippet of  a few of the fish caught today...


Nathan Jones - 7
Jim McGinley - 5
Nick Woodward - 2
Stephen Gildard - 1
Steven Moffat - 1

A few of the (they were fully finned until they met mr bass bag!!) fully finned trout caught today...
Biggest fish goes to our Chairman Nathan Jones with a 3lb 12oz chunky bow.

What the North West Nomads are all about, friendship, team work and of course,  enjoying fly fishing..

Here Steven Moffat assists his fellow team mate in netting one of Jims many fish today...

Tightlines all!
Nathan Jones
North West Nomads Fly Fishing Club UK Chairman

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Dingle Reservoir, Belmont.

The Nomads are off to Dingle Reservoir Sunday, this will be our 3rd visit as a club, great water, plenty of room for the entire 30+ Nomad Bunch!

The only downside to the place is that you have to pick your ticket up from a neighbouring shop before your session, or you can do it on Saturday saves waiting for the shop to open around 9am.

Details of the fishery location are available on our website or alternatively, below..

Dingle Reservoir
off Belmont Road,Bolton BL7 9QP
A 17 acre reservoir operated by Dingle Flyfishers.
Day and Evening tickets can be obtained from the Top Shop and the Post Office in Belmont Village.
Tickets can be obtained in advance.

Details obtained from www.lancashireflyfishing.co.uk so thanks to Mike Roden for supplying the public with the above info.

We will be arriving at 9am, at the fishery, then we will make our way down to the local top shop which is no more than a few minutes down the road, i have been told the top shop opens at 9am. So we will be commencing fishing around 9:30am. However if you get chance members, pop into the top shop or post office today (being Saturday) to purchase your ticket ready for our session tomorrow.

 A Floating line, and a team of buzzers or nymphs always do well here, its a very natural water, with lots of available fly life. Especially so if the weather is true as forecast, with sunny intervals bringing a few hatches on.

This way members can ask the committee directly for information regarding a venue etc.

So floating lines, and naturals!
See you all on Sunday 8th June for a cracking session at our local Reservoir, Dingle.

Any problems dont hesitate to contact me directly....
Nathan Jones
North West Nomads Fly Fishing UK - Club Chairman -
nathj89@icloud.com OR alternatively for a instant reply simply ring me on the number below

Sunday, 25 May 2014

Arnfield Reservoir visit...

Today a few Nomads visited Arnfield Reservoir, a great venue and correct me if I'm wrong but this was our 5th visit as a club!?

Only four out of 30+ members attended today, due to the conditions and it being a bank holiday, never the less the four nomads powered on. Landing 10 fish between them which wasn't a bad haul considering the conditions they were faced with!

Top Rod on the Day was John Burrow, with 4 fish.

Good angling "me - duck" in adverse conditions the Nomads prevailed!

Tightlines and until next time (by the way our next session, viewable on our website, linked below, will be at Dingle Reservoir).

Nathan Jones
North West Nomads Fly Fishing Club UK - Chairman 2014

Friday, 23 May 2014

Off to Arnfield....

This sunday the North West Nomads are off to Arnfield for their 5th visit as a club!
An ideal water for most, not too big, not too challenging....

With some LUMPS! caught during our Xmas session on the water...
See photos below to wet your appetite, in preparation for your fishing on Sunday members...

If you havent been upto Arnfield Reservoir!? - your missing out on a real gem..

Mr Chairman Himself, Nathan Jones with an average chunky stocky...

oooooooo! what a brown, this was a solid lump caught by fellow nomad John Burrow! smashing both his brown PB and Bow PB in a single session!!! - now thats good angling!

Tightlines and until our trip this sunday......

Nathan Jones

Nick Halstead Presentation Evening May 2014

After a long wait heres a blog on our Nick Halstead Presentation evening....

Nick Halstead a well established fly angler, both on the competition scene and as a contributor of the reputable fly fishing magazine "Trout Fisherman".
With Nicks long standing reputation in the fly fishing industry, he was the right first speaker in our first ever Nomad Presentation. This evening took place on Saturday 17th May, first commencing our monthly team meeting, around 4:30pm.

Following on was Nick with his presentation, around 6pm until 8pm.

A massive thank you goes out to Nick for keeping the entire 20+ Members on the edge of their seats, every single anglers commented on how down to earth Nick was, which made it that much more enjoyable!

Heres a snippet of the evening, a few beers followed in the local pub, talks of fly fishing for bass! and our trip to Braithwaite and possibly Rutland Water discussed.... A great end to a great evening, we WILL be having Nick back, if he will be as kind enough to honour us with his presence for a second time next season!

Thanks ever so much Nick for an evening to remember....


Sunday, 20 April 2014

10 Nomads ventured out up to Stocks Reservoir today. In windy conditions the top pairing was our England Youth team members, Oliver Avis and Aaron Carnie, with a fantastic 31 fish to the boat. Good angling young 'uns.

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Members. Today saw the first of our dual outings. Our Chairman, Nathan Jones lead a group of four down to Staffordshire for our first ever visit to Blithfield Reservoir . The group consisting of Nathan, John Burrow, Olly Avis and Dez Lynam, found this new venue tough going. Windy conditions hampered their progress a little but not enough to claim a blank catch return.

All four got into the fish with Olly bagging 4 and Nathan with 3.

Secretary, Steve Elliott, lead the other group to Raygill over the Yorkshire border. The group of 5 battled against the strong gusting winds to claim fish close to the bank. First trout to the bank was netted by Aaron Carnie - closely followed by Jim McGinley.

By lunchtime all the Nomads had found fish. Aaron and Jim leading the totals with well over 20 fish between them. Steve had 4, Nick Woodward with 2 and new member Paul Kuczera with 1.

The afternoon session belonged to Steve Elliott, with and incredible return of 32 rainbows finishing the day as top rod with a massive total of 36. White Cats Whisker Boobies and White FABS taking the Lions share of the fish in the top three feet of water.

Not to be outdone, Aaron ran Steve a close second, finishing with 31, while Jim bagged-up with 24. Boobies and Blobs also doing the damage Paul managed a further 4 and Nick finished with 2. An amazing total of 98 for the day. Good angling chaps!!!

Monday, 31 March 2014

Fellow Nomads.

This coming Sunday we have the first of our dual venues. Raygill and Blithfield.

Raygill is limiting us to 14 places due to higher than normal water levels - so it advisable to book your spot on the bank.

Nathan is leading the other trip so arrangements are made through him.

Cheers fellas.

Mr Secretary

Sunday, 23 March 2014

A non-too easy day out on the water today at Arnfield Fly Fishery, Derbyshire. The biting North / North-Westerly wind and cold water temperatures, with the occasional drop or two of H20 and hailstone didn't spoil a grand day out. It was good to see that all the Nomads got into a few fish - especially those that are relatively new to the sport.

Top rod today was Mike Frith with 15, closely followed by Aaron Carnie with 11. Most of the fish caught were recently stocked fish averaging 2-3lb; however Aaron bagged a cracking Brownie off the North-East bank and Mr Secretary had a decent Rainbow of approx 5.5lb.